Exclusive Revelation! Everything about Interior Design

Have you ever wondered what interior design is and whether it's something you need for your home? In this article, we explain what interior design entails and how at M&B, we ensure that your home exudes that cozy feeling that only a true home can offer.

Dining Room with a Perfect Interior Design in Andalusia, Costa del Sol

In interior design, each space has its own story to tell. From the layout of furniture on the floor plan to the selection of the smallest accessories, every decision influences the overall atmosphere of a space. At M&B Interior Design, we understand the importance of approaching each project with a combination of creativity, technical expertise, and a profound understanding of our clients' needs and desires. Here are the essential elements included in an interior design project:


Interior Design Marbella


The layout of spaces on the floor plan is the canvas upon which every interior design project is built. From reorganizing existing spaces to creating open concepts that flow effortlessly, at M&B Interior Design, we're passionate about exploring new ways to optimize and maximize the potential of each space. We strive to find the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics, creating designs that seamlessly adapt to the needs and lifestyle of our clients.

Interior Design Malaga


The placement of furniture is key to creating a harmonious and functional space. In our design process, we consider ergonomics and aesthetics when placing each element, ensuring that the space is comfortable and practical. From the arrangement of every piece of furniture, sofas, and tables to shelves and cabinets, every decision is made carefully to ensure an intuitive flow and a sense of spaciousness.

Interior Design Sotogrande


Floor and wall finishes are key elements that define the character of a space. During the interior design process, materials such as wood, ceramic, or stone floors, as well as paints and wall coverings, are carefully selected to complement the overall style of the space. Whether you prefer a modern and minimalist look or a more classic and cozy approach, the right finishes can make a big difference in the appearance and feel of your home.

Interior Design Mijas


Proper lighting can completely transform the perception of a space. At M&B Interior Design, we immerse ourselves in a detailed study of natural and artificial lighting to ensure that every corner is perfectly illuminated and functionally connected. This approach allows us to create cozy and versatile rooms, where every light source is considered to enhance the beauty of the space and improve the user experience.


Interior Design Estepona


The choice of sanitary ware, faucets, and accessories is a decision that reflects the style and personality of the home's inhabitants, but they are also as important as finishes and cladding. When selecting these components, it’s crucial to consider not only their aesthetics and how they complement the overall design but also their durability and the comfort they offer in daily use. For example, minimalist design faucets can reinforce a modern and sophisticated atmosphere, while sanitary ware with classic lines can evoke a sense of tradition and timeless elegance.

Interior Design Costa del Sol


The kitchen, as the heart of the home, requires a design that harmonizes style and functionality. Custom furniture for the kitchen and other areas of the home plays a significant role in interior design, with their demand for attention to detail and durability making them a standalone project within interior design. Whether you're looking for a modern and functional kitchen or custom furniture to maximize storage space in your home, at M&B Interior Design, we work closely with craftsmen and manufacturers to ensure that each piece is of the highest quality and designed to last.

Interior Design in entry hall, for a malaga home

Interior Design Malaga


To achieve successful interior design, it’s essential to follow each phase of the design process. We are committed to meticulously developing each phase to ensure that the client's vision is accurately and satisfactorily realized.


Phase 1. Information

Every great project begins with a solid foundation of information. In this phase, we delve into the needs, desires, and personality of our clients. We strive to understand their lifestyle, aesthetic preferences, and functional requirements. This information serves as the foundation upon which our interior designers build the rest of the interior design project.

Phase 2. Concept

With the information at hand, our team of designers transforms the client's ideas and visions into a tangible design concept. We explore different styles, colors, and materials to create a plan that reflects the client's personality and needs. This phase is crucial for establishing the direction of the project and ensuring that all parties are aligned in terms of the design vision.

Phase 3. Preliminary Design

With the concept defined, we move on to the preliminary design phase, where we begin to shape the design vision. Here, we develop plans and preliminary sketches that show the layout of spaces and the arrangement of furniture. Additionally, we conduct lighting studies and present finish proposals. In this phase we visualize the design and make adjustments.

Phase 4. Budgeting

Once the preliminary design has been approved, we move on to the budgeting phase. We detail all the costs associated with the project, including materials, labor, and professional fees. We present the client with a comprehensive and transparent budget, allowing them to have a clear view of the required investment and ensuring that each euro is well invested.

Phase 5. Project Execution

With the approved budget, we begin to coordinate all aspects of the design, from purchasing materials, contact with suppliers, artesans and hiring specialized labor. Our Interiors Designers closely supervise each stage of the process to ensure that quality standards are met, that the project progresses as planned and runs smoothly.

Phase 6. Work Execution

In the final phase of interior design we make the final touches and adjustments to ensure that the project is complete and ready for delivery. From furniture installation to the placement of decorative accessories, we ensure that every detail is perfectly executed. This phase marks the culmination of the project and the satisfaction of the client.


We enjoy getting to know our clients' projects, so don't hesitate to share your ideas or doubts with our team. We are an Architecture, Interior Design, Decoration and Showroom studio. We work all over the Costa del Sol and its surroundings, Malaga, Marbella, Mijas, Estepona, Fuengirola and Sotogrande. Visit us in our physical shop in Sotogrande and let us advise you in the design of your project or contact us without obligation.

Hi, I am Rocio Munoz, Interior Designer. Let me know how may I be of assistance. Find me calling at  +34 662 90 60 92


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