Want a Home that Makes an Impact? Follow These Expert Tips for Top Lighting

We all love when good lighting stands out in our spaces, but choosing the right light tone, color, or intensity can pose challenges. Here, we offer you 10 technical tips that only experts master and will help you achieve the perfect lighting. Take notes and triumph!

living room, night, minimalist style, pendant lamp, interior design with good lighting effect, elegant and luxurious


The color temperature is key to setting the perfect atmosphere in your spaces. From warm tones that embrace to cooler lights that revitalize, learn how to manipulate light temperatures, measured in kelvins (K). A lower measurement creates a warmer tone, while an increase produces a cooler tone. This definition can turn any corner into a unique visual experience. Illuminate your space to convey specific emotions and create tailor-made atmospheres.



If you want to transform your space into a haven of comfort and serenity, choose a light with tones between 2700 and 3500 K, known as warm white light. But if you prefer a more natural and fresh luminosity, opt for neutral white between 4000 and 5000 K. On the other hand, you can achieve a cool white with a range of 6000 to 7000 K, inviting you to immerse yourself in modernity by flooding your spaces with refreshing and revitalizing light.



The choice of light color can influence the perception of space. Neutral tones highlight architectural details, while vibrant colors add a bold touch. Experimenting with different types of lamps and the light color palette gives you the opportunity to infuse personality and an interesting theme into each room.



The amount of light used in each space is key to ensuring functionality and comfort. This brightness level is measured in lumens, which should be balanced to have well-lit environments without excesses or deficiencies. This measurement is influenced by the size, shape, height, and colors of the room, as well as the type of lamps and tasks to be performed. Therefore, there is no exact recommendation for lumens. However, you can estimate ambient light with these parameters:


  • Foyer: 1200 – 4000 lumens

  • Dining Room: 3000 – 6000 lumens

  • Living Room: 1500 – 3000 lumens

  • Kitchen: 5000 – 10000 lumens

  • Bathrooms: 4000 – 8000 lumens

  • Hallways: 1200 – 2500 lumens

  • Bedrooms: 2000 – 4000 lumens



Beyond ambient lighting, it is essential to provide clarity for daily tasks. In this case, lux is the metric that measures luminous intensity on a specific surface and intertwines with lumens to create a perfect duo. It translates to lumens per square meter, being the magical formula for measuring specific brightness on an object and determines the number of lights needed. From rest areas to work zones, measuring and manipulating lux is the key to designing unique and immersive visual experiences.



Delve into different lighting techniques that make a difference in interior design. From the elegance of direct lighting that highlights specific elements to the subtlety of indirect and diffused lighting that softens contours. Use these techniques to shape your spaces and give them personality.



The undeniable protagonists are the light bulbs, which determine the creation of cozy environments and unique styles. From classic incandescent bulbs, nostalgic and warm, to efficient and modern LEDs capable of dazzling us with their sustainable brightness. Filament bulbs, with their retro charm, add an unparalleled vintage touch, while smart bulbs invite us to immerse ourselves in a universe of controlled possibilities. Choose the one that suits your preferred style and allows for greater energy efficiency.


Are you ready to illuminate your home in a unique and immersive way? Contact us! Our team of lighting experts is committed to carefully assessing your space, taking into account factors such as architecture, furniture layout, and most importantly, your personal preferences. Your home deserves to shine with its own light, and we are here to make it happen.


We enjoy getting to know our clients' projects, so don't hesitate to share your ideas or doubts with our team. We are an Architecture, Interior Design, Decoration and Showroom studio. We work all over the Costa del Sol and its surroundings, Malaga, Marbella, Mijas, Estepona, Fuengirola and Sotogrande. Visit us in our physical shop in Sotogrande and let us advise you in the design of your project or contact us without obligation.


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